Shoshin Ryu Maine will be hosting its first Annual Summer Party on July 18th, at Sensei Rich's house. The theme is Hawaiian this year. We will start at 2 PM and go 'til roughly 8 PM, unless compelled by the Hawaiian Party gods to proceed later.
We will be having a fun work out, swimming in the pool, a Hawaiian style Bar-B-Q, and some games for the yonen (children) afterwards.
Bring whatever you want to drink, and one large Hawaiian-themed dish to share. I will be roasting pork and chicken on the spit. For the adults, we have a blender...
Parents and siblings are welcome. Each person should bring a gi (if a student), bathing suit, towel, camp or folding chair, and a change of clothes (Hawaiian style, if you have it--colorful, if you don't).
RSVP by email, please, using the link on the right. I will send directions to my home when I get the e-mail.
Also, it would be helpful if people who are planning to attend would comment in the comment section about what they are planning to bring as a dish to share. Things we need for sure:
1) Chips and salsa
2) Garden salad
3) Fruit salad (think pineapple, people!)
4) Hot wings
5) Rice dish
6) Pasta salad
Otherwise, be creative!
This party will replace our usual Sunday workout that weekend.